

Everyone Deserves a Home

Salvaged paper collage (wallpaper samples, Green Stamps, paint chips) , about 6.5 x 8”

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What I wrote when I posted this piece on Instagram:

I think I’ll retire the term “giveaway” — in this social media world, most giveaways are not gifts but rather reward for advertising the “giver’s” work. This is not necessarily a bad thing— anyone doing something worthwhile needs help sharing their work. I am personally always grateful and flattered when someone feels moved to share about me. But a true gift is not conditional in this way. An apple tree does not hold back its fruit because the orchardist didn’t prune its branches or water it in drought. If well nourished and thriving, it fruits with wild abandon, and does not judge who is worthy of an apple. So let’s all care for each other, and give the gifts of our resulting thriving with wild abandon.